In the 1950’s, famous Hollywood agent, George “Bullets” Durgom and Raymond Katz formed Durgom-Katz Associates, Inc. Under this corporate umbrella, Durgom-Katz formed Deekay Music, Deekay Productions, Deekay Management, Deekay Videos, and other related entities. The “D” for Durgom, and “K” for Katz, when spoke together are pronounced “Deekay.” Hence, the name Deekay Music was launched from the last names of the two founders.
Who We Are
Deekay Music is an independent traditional music publisher and administrator specializing in providing personalized services for the music industry.
What We Do
1. Deekay Music gives personal attention to each one of its clients. Deekay Music is not a huge marketing machine that looks at numbers only. We have a “hands on” relationship with our clients.
2. Deekay Music ensures that a personal service with a wealth of experience is delivered to its clients and that important industry issues are continually addressed.
3. Deekay Music empowers creators with transparency, flexibility, ownership and control. Music made simple.
4. Deekay Music restores that once magical partnership found between a writer and publisher that had become a relic of a different era in these modern times of computer technology.
5. Deekay Music believes in people and creativity, not just “the deal.”
6. Deekay Music believes that in keeping a small premium client base, we offer the best creative support, provide the best access to platforms and work hard to maximize the value of each and every copyright, ensuring all our artists receive all payments promptly and accurately.
How We Do It
As an independent music publisher, Deekay Music holds membership with major trade groups such as NMPA, as well as being registered with the biggest distributors of royalties such as ASCAP, Harry Fox Agency, BMI, Universal Music, and other smaller royalty distributors and on-line distributors such as Apple iTunes. These distributors collect mechanical, performance, writers, and synchronization royalties of Deekay Music clients that are sent to Deekay Music who then remits the proceeds to its clients. Through its membership in trade groups, Deekay Music is the voice of its clients to continue to develop better industry regulations to ensure creators receive the proceeds of their creative endeavors.